House of Sensual Romance ™

This is a place of comfort for everyone. I hope you enjoy my stories, and those of my friends. Let me know what you liked about them and what you didn't. You can also visit my website for more excerpts of my work. And all work on my blog is copyright protected.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

More News
I'm still grinning but I entered the Romance Slam Jam Aspiring Author Contest and WON 1ST PRIZE. Yeah! Unbelievable. And you're wondering what won. The work closest to my heart, Dragon's Heart-Story of the Brethren.

Right now I'm proofing it to get it ready to send out to Kensington, so cross your fingers, toes and eyes. We'll see what happens. A lot of good things happened at RSJ, I met a lot of people and hope more good things come out of it. Meanwhile, I thank you for your patients while I try to get my work to print. I will post more of Hold On toward the end of the week for your weekend pleasure.

Have a nice day.
