House of Sensual Romance ™

This is a place of comfort for everyone. I hope you enjoy my stories, and those of my friends. Let me know what you liked about them and what you didn't. You can also visit my website for more excerpts of my work. And all work on my blog is copyright protected.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Blogging today at LASR


Thought you'd like to know I'm blogging today at Long and Short Reviews about the Romantic Times Convention, check it out.

Award Winning Best-selling Author of Sensual Romance
Red Rose Publishing
Freya's Bower

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

RT was a blast!

RT was a lot of fun met some really great people and am just coming back to earth from all the fun. And sent out a few MS so we'll see what happens. Meanwhile here are a few memorable pics.
