House of Sensual Romance ™

This is a place of comfort for everyone. I hope you enjoy my stories, and those of my friends. Let me know what you liked about them and what you didn't. You can also visit my website for more excerpts of my work. And all work on my blog is copyright protected.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Just a few things.

Dyanne Davis, author of The Critic, The Color of Trouble, Another Man's Baby, writing as F.D. Davis In the Beginning and so many other works, did an interview on me. Unbelievable! Check it out.

As some of you might know my short story Promises was signed with an epub that has gone out of business, but it's found a new home at Red Rose Publishing. I'll keep you all posted on a release date.

That's it for now, summer has me hopping.
