House of Sensual Romance ™

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Friday, November 14, 2014

Interview With Stephanie Williams

Hi Stephanie thanks for being here and taking the time to answer a few questions about your latest paranormal romance With Friends Like These.

1.     With Friends Like These is a paranormal, a genre a little different for you. Why did you decide to write this particular story and create it as a paranormal?

    The characters called for a paranormal. I could have went the normal ménage route, but they weren't having it. It had to be a paranormal. And even though it's a bit of a challenge for me, it's fun to write and create a whole new world.

2.   Have you ever written a paranormal romance before or is this your first?

      No  this is my third. My first is Skinny Dipping, which might be re- released. The second which I just did an interview with the main character is Love, Transylvania Style. that's with Decadent Publishing. Both had vampires. They were light as is this one. But those just touched on the paranormal.

3. How many books are in the series? I know you created this huge world for us and you introduced some interesting characters.

      There will be three. This one, to introduce you to the characters and their problems. LOL Book Two will be about the secondary characters Pam and Vladimir. It will also focus on the battle that Seth has to face.

4.     How is With Friends Like These different from other books in this genre?

        Oh, wow. For one  they can both mate with one female and she can give birth to one child with both their DNA.  The child has the DNA genetic makeup of both males, which makes this child special and more powerful than a purebred vamp or were.

 I thought that dynamic of the story would be very interesting. There are not many stories out there like that. And since paranormal is world building, that was how I built my world.

      Also there is humor, tongue in cheek stuff and jokes. This is pretty lighthearted. No mistake though it does have serious moments. But with Roxie's friend Pam in the mix and Drake and Seth, there are some pretty funny moments

5.     I know you have written other ménage romances before but other than this being a paranormal how does it differ from your others?

       Like I mentioned earlier, it's with a vampire and werewolf, who happen to have the same soul mate. Did I mention the comedy aspect of the story?  I'll tell you a secret, paranormal scares me a bit. Sometimes it's too, too heavy. So I decided to add humor to these creatures who are normally seen as terrifying or brooding.

6.     Would you ever write a m/m romance?
       I didn't think I ever would, but here you go! LOL. Drake, the vampire and Seth the werewolf are bi-sexual, and they have some hot sex scenes. But you know what it its the story. It's not forced, it's very natural. In fact you can tell the love they have for each other from the beginning of the story.

7.     Tell us about your next projects?
       Well, I have a story called Role-Play University. It's just as the title says, there is a lot of roleplaying in the book. It's between a teacher and his colleague that used to be one of his students. She teaches at the University now.

  This books has everything, light bondage, roleplaying, sex with a stranger (again role-playing). It even has a cage!

  When my writing career will take on a different path. Not going to get into right now, but I think my fans will be happy all the same.

8.     Boxers or Briefs?

     Briefs, they outline things more. LOL!

9.     Tell your fans how you can be reached.

       I can reached at the following places!